MUIs occurring with no provider at the time of incident are up 20% from 2023. These incidents accounted for 24% of all MUI categories, to include 31% of all Category A MUIs, and are up 4% in total as compared to 2023.
While these incidents may have occurred when an individual was not receiving paid services, it does not mean that they receive no paid services. Many of the incidents occur during unsupervised alone time or when someone is not receiving drop-in services, and most individuals involved receive day services, NMT, and/or some form of HPC. So what does this mean?
While we can’t always be with those we serve to protect them while in the community, there are some simple things we can do to help prepare them to be safe in the community.
Tips for Individuals to Mitigate Abuse Situations while Alone in the Community:
- Encourage the individual to stay in well-lit and busy areas when they are in the community. Avoid isolated areas or known crime hot spots, especially at night.
- Get to know your neighbors and agree to look out for each other.
- Use common courtesy. It helps ease tensions that can result in violence.
- Don’t carry illegal weapons, buy stolen property, use illegal drugs, or engage in other criminal activity.
- Suggest that the individual does not carry large sums of money on them while out in the community.
- Make sure the individual knows safe places they can go to for help in the community.
- Ensure the individual knows how to contact the police and has contact numbers in their phone for staff or natural supports that can help them if needed.
- Teach the individual a safety plan for what to do if they are assaulted in the community. Where they should go, who they should call, what supports are available to them, etc.
- Technology: Discuss with the individual and their teams about technology they may use to be safer in the community. This can be items like cell phones, GPS tracking (as appropriate), personal safety apps, etc.
TIP: Here are some tips to help avoid Misappropriation situations:
- Ensure that an individual’s funds and bank cards are secured in the home with clear accountability for who can access them. Make sure the individuals’ card pin numbers are not common generic pins.
- Keep an accurate inventory of the individual’s belongings, especially items worth more than $50. These inventories create a valuable checklist that can be completed upon starting and ending services with an individual and should be updated proactively as needed.
- Be aware. Be aware of scams going on in the community and how to avoid them. Did you know that the AARP has a website and bi-weekly email alert designed to educate the community on current fraud scams? Visit this website for articles on fraud prevention or to sign-up for their FREE newsletter.
- Warning signs. Recognize the warning signs. Is the individual buying large amounts of gift cards they would not usually purchase? Do they say they have a significant other they met online, but have never met in person? Have they indicated they have been pressured to make purchases or give money to someone else? Online “Catfishing” has been found to be a major cause of online based Misappropriation MUIs. Catfishing is when someone lures a person into a fictional relationship by posing as a fake persona online. The non-profit organization called Cyber Smile offers free education and training on how to avoid Catfishing and other forms of online harassment that may be beneficial for individuals and their staff. Visit Cyber Smile’s website to learn more about Catfishing prevention and other online harassment prevention.
- Check credit reports. Help the individual check their credit reports to identify potential areas of unknown fraud or theft. Everyone is entitled to one free credit report check annually from the three-credit reporting agencies. These reports can be requested online for free.
- Personal Funds of the Individual Rule. Remember that per the Personal Funds of the Individual Rule (OAC 5123-2-07) providers, their staff, and/or their family members are not allowed to purchase items from an individual served without the transaction being authorized in writing in advance by the team. They are not allowed to secure or accept loans from an individual served either.