Magnifying glass and business report for auditing.

2025 Summit DD MUI Accreditation Results

During the month of January, The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) came to Summit DD to conduct our accreditation review. During the review, state representatives conducted a comprehensive evaluation, diving into 35 case files and service plans, performing site visits, and speaking directly with individuals, families, and providers.

The review also included a thorough review of Summit DD’s MUI investigations and processes. The DODD MUI accreditation team reviewed approximately 24 MUI investigative reports and full case files to ensure compliance with the MUI Rule. They also reviewed Summit DD’s MUI procedures for compliance. The MUI review’s findings were excellent! No citations were issued to the MUI team and Summit DD’s MUI Unit was recognized for numerous best practices.

Their agency-wide examination highlighted Summit DD’s dedication to supporting those we serve. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with Summit DD slated to receive the highest level of accreditation — a three-year term! This is also thanks in part to your partnership with our investigations, so thank you for all you do!

With gratitude,

-Wayne Hershey, MUI Senior Manager

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