Archives by Day: January 12, 2022

hands typing on a keyboard

How to Update MUI Contacts with Summit DD

The Summit DD MUI Department keeps a database of MUI contacts for each provider in Summit County. The identified MUI contact for your agency will get all the MUI related notices or any other correspondence sent by the MUI Department. In order for us to ensure you get timely communication from the MUI team, it is crucial we have accurate information for all MUI contacts in the county. Be sure your organization’s contact info is up to date. Read More ›

Residential group home with direct support professional.

Staffing Crisis and MUI

The staffing crisis is impacting DSP recruitment and retention throughout the state of Ohio. We certainly understand that this can make it difficult for you to provide high quality services to those we both serve. We also know that providers have concerns about how short staffing situations could relate to MUIs. Here are some general guidelines to help.

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Timely Cooperation During MUI Investigations

Timely Cooperation from Providers During MUI Investigations

Providers and Summit DD MUI Staff are partners in the MUI process. Timely cooperation and communication are important to the MUI investigative process and ensuring health and welfare. Delays in providing IAs with requested documentation, staff contact info, or other important details can slow the process and keep us from supporting the person served through the MUI process. Below are helpful reminders to ensure a smooth and timely MUI process. Read More ›

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