Hey Providers! Summit DD will be hosting the 2nd Annual Empowering All Abilities Provider Expo and you are invited to participate! The provider expo is open to all agency and independent providers as well as community organizations.The expo is FREE to participate in and attend. This is would be a great time to:
- Meet with individuals and families one-on-one
- Share your service and resource offerings
- Connect with other providers in the community
- Network
- Learn about Summit DD funding
- And much more!
Plus, there will be two informational sessions:
- STABLE Accounts – 1:15 – 2pm
- Lifespan Transitions – 2 – 3pm
The event will be held at the Akron Urban League – 440 Vernon Odom Blvd, Akron from 1 – 4 pm on September 10.
Space is limited, so if you would like to participate, please contact Lisa Ahern at 330-634-8209 or LAhern@SummitDD.org.
Please share this with families and individuals you support and we hope to see you there!