pills and pill bottle poured out on table

Chemical Restraints Reminder

Did you know that even if an individual agrees with its use and it is for a known diagnosis, a medication related to suppressing sexually offending behavior is still considered a chemical restraint? And it MUST be approved through the HRC? Read on to find out if you are up to date with HRC rule, and download the informational guide to help you in these situations.

Summit DD’s MUI team has seen a slight increase in Unapproved Behavioral Support MUIs related to chemical restraints recently. Specifically, with chemical restraints related to sexually offending behavior. Below are some reminders to ensure the rights and safety of those we serve.

In a few instances, teams have misidentified these types of chemical restraints as not needing to be approved by a Human Rights Committee (HRC) if the individual agrees with its use and it is for a known diagnosis. This is no longer the case.

Per OAC 5123-2-06, The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, & Summit DD’s Behavior Support Team; any time an individual is taking a medication to address symptoms related to sexual offending behavior, this will always be considered a restrictive measure. Even if the individual is in complete agreement with taking the medication, or they self-administer the medication, it is still considered a chemical restraint for which administration needs to be approved by an HRC. The rule doesn’t allow for any exceptions to this.


As such, these types of medications must go through the HRC process to be approved for administration. Please review the medications and ISPs for those you serve to see if anyone you serve is receiving these medications and they have not been approved by an HRC. If you discover one, please DO NOT stop the administration of the medication. Simply report the Unapproved Behavioral Support MUI to Summit DD and notify the SSA involved that the HRC process needs to be started for the medication.

Chemical Restraint Guide

For more information on what constitutes a Chemical Restraint, please refer to the DODD Chemical Restraint Job Aid PDF.

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