Provider Support Information, Contacts and Links

Summit DD is committed to creating a strong provider network in Summit County. We have created a helpful resource guide to important information, contacts and links so you can provide the best service to people of ALL abilities.

Provider Support contacts and links is available for download!

Summit DD Links

Visit our website at and go to our provider page at:


Who to contact at Summit DD?


Provider questions about being a provider, certification, renewal, billing, Provider meetings, trainings, documentation, using the portal, etc.

Provider Compliance Reviews, Plan of Correction questions, Provider Support, development, agency related issues

Provider development-Day Array, Vocational, Supported Employment

Information about local funding contracts


Provider Relations Department:


or call 330-634-8110


Newly Certified, need portal access for referrals, How to get Summit DD emails

Change email, address and phone with Summit DD or for issues with password for portal or portal access




MUI (annual and semi-annual) analysis or UIR logs email to:




Report possible MUI


MUI reporting                 

During Business hours         330-634-8684 

After hours emergency line  1-877-271-6733

MUI FAX                               330-634-8553

MUI E-mail        Mu********@su******.org


Get electronic online access (iData) to ISPs, trouble accessing ISPs


Request through your SSA Contact


Trouble with encrypted emails from Summit DD



or contact Provider Relations Department


Background checks completed at Summit DD


Human Resources Department:

Contact to schedule an appointment:

330-634-8019 or 330-634-8054


Provider Trainings offered at Summit DD

8 hr required

Initial and renewal certification classes

CPR and First Aid



Speech and Language Pathologist at Summit DD-help with assessments, eating guidelines, staff training, modifications and equipment.


Ask your SSA to refer you to our SLP on staff

Training Resources

Name of OrganizationTraining OfferedTraining LinkOther Info

American Heart Association


First Aid/CPR


Classroom and skills, then enter zip code


American Red Cross


First Aid/CPR


Click on training, then enter by location


CPR for Life


First Aid/CPR


Will come to an agency


Hattie Larlham


1st Aid/CPR, Med. Adm. & PMT


Click on Professional training at the bottom


Local Fire Dept.


First Aid/CPR


Contact directly


Summit DD


First Aid/CPR, 8 hours Initial and Annual Training, PMT


Ohio County Boards Association (OACBDD)


Initial & annual renewal, adult services


Click on Training Center


Beyond Our Boundaries


Initial & annual renewal, adult services


Read topics covered


Train to Excel


Initial & renewal


Clearwater Council of Government (COG)


Initial & annual renewal, how to conduct UI investigations or Med. Errors and prevention


Will come to an agency & on-line courses.  Click on training


The Ohio Alliance of Direct Support Professionals (OADSP)


Initial & annual renewal, documentation and writing incidents


Some free classes, in person classes and on-line.  Click on trainings and look under seminars.


Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD)


Various topics including becoming a  provider and billing


Click on Providers for specific classes




Medication Administration


Click on DD personnel training




Health and Welfare Alerts


Required to read annually


Nursing Navigators


Med Admin  or Jennifer Blevins at 330-603-7303


Help w/audits/reviews, delegation & consulting


Northwest Ohio Waiver Administration Council (NOWAC)


Med Admin


Click on trainings.  Classroom and correspondence

*Summit DD does not endorse any of these.  All information is provided to assist you in exploring your options.


Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD)

DODD Provider Support Center 1-800-617-6733 or pr**************@li**.gov -questions about certification, billing, website, etc.


Home page:


To update address, email and phone at DODD website go to


To subscribe to Rules Notice Service, send email to jo***************@li**.gov


DODD rules and laws

Go to DODD website to read all rules pertinent to services.


For Agencies- Database Checks – rule 5123:2-2-02 Abuser registry check prior to contact


Nurse aide registry check prior to contact


US General Services Adm. for award management database since 1-1-13


Database of incarcerated and supervised offenders since 1-1-13


Database for sex offender and child-victim offender since 1-1-13


Database for excluded  persons and entities by office of inspector general US Dept. health and human services


Background Checks – rule 5123:2-2-02


BCII check: Must use the correct code for type of background check needed for services go to DODD website


FBI Check: Provider must document evidence of being Ohio resident for past 5 years.  If unable to document residency, run FBI check.

Get correct code at


Per rule need information on Certificate of Qualification for Employment go to:


Per rule need information on Certificate of Achievement go to:


Per rule need information about a Pardon go to:


Drivers Abstract rule 5123:2-9-24 Certified Drivers Abstracts see details in rule. Costs $5.00.

Get driver’s abstract at BMVs or on line at:


Diploma – rule 5123:2-2-01 A High School diploma or GED is required for all services (if not hired/certified prior to 10-1-09)- Request or verify diplomas at

This link is for assistance to verify high school diplomas from other countries: 

If in doubt send diploma to DODD certification department to verify for you.


Medication Certification 

Medication Administration Handbook (PDF)/Training materials, assessments, and skill checklists.


In order to check medication administration certification status; search for DD personnel by individual name or by agency name.


Unusual Incidents MUI-UIR – rule 5123:2-17-02To report call MUI unit at 330-634-8684 or 1-877-271-6733 after hours to report.

Fax or email MUI reports to:

330-634-8553 or MU********@su******.org


Send UI logs when requested by email to UI****@su******.org


MUI Semi-annual (due by 8/31) and annual trend analyses (due by 2/28) will be requested by email with a form to be completed.  Send to UI****@su******.org


Ohio Medicaid Health Insurance When our individuals travel outside of Ohio their Ohio Medicaid may not cover them.

These sites offer short term options for insurance:

*Department of State (


*International SOS (

*American Association of Retired Persons (

*International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers (


Vehicle Inspections and drug testing for NMT

Info coming on some options.


CARSTAR will do an annual vehicle inspection.  Call 330-733-4502 for appt. and pricing.   1490 E. Archwood Ave., Akron, Ohio 44306


Representative Payee

Get the Social Security guide books for organizational or individual payees and other information including webinars at:

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