DODD updates for Summit County Providers

Cleaning Supplies

It has now been roughly three months since the COVID-19 pandemic struck Ohio and drastically changed all our lives. To date, (as of June 12, 2020) 17 Summit County individuals have tested positive, with two currently in the hospital, but expected to make a full recovery. While any diagnosis of COVID-19 is serious, the overall health outcomes for the individuals who have contracted the virus has been positive and we are very thankful for that. We thank you for your vigilance and dedication to all those we serve. You’ve done a great job. This is a good opportunity to remind you, should you need PPE or cleaning supplies, you can still make a request using this link.

DODD Communications

This week DoDD communicated two very important messages that Summit DD wants to ensure providers are aware of.

  • All individuals who return to in person center-based services within a facility will be reimbursed at the “C” acuity rate. This was approved effective June 1st and will be approved in 30-day time periods. Summit DD fully endorses this decision and hopes that it helps providers given the group size limitations that are currently in place. This does not require a re-authorization so providers currently offering center-based services are able to bill these new codes immediately. The updated billing codes that will need to be used are outlined in the communication
    Guidance: Reimbursement for Center-Based Services
  • Visitation guidelines- specific information was communicated regarding visitation within waiver settings. The information provided did not identify specific requirements or processes around visitation but outlined topics that teams should consider as visitation plans are made. We understand these conversations can be difficult, but hope the discussion items will help teams develop safe visitation practices.
    Guidance: Waiver Visitation

Outside of the DoDD communications there are a couple other updates to share.

  • The STEP service has been added to the provider portal. We recognize that as individuals make choices regarding day services, not all current providers will be able and willing to provide STEP for those interested.
  • Just a reminder that prior to an individual returning to in person center-based services a team discussion, which includes completing the risk benefit guide and completing the team acknowledgement form, must be done.
    DoDD guidance regarding the process for someone to resume in person center-based services.

Thank you for all you have done and will continue to do during this difficult time. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to Joe DiFranco at or Drew Williams at

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