Category Archives: News

Headshot of MUI Investigative Agent I Sean Bacola

MUI Staff Spotlight: John (Sean) Bacola

John (also known as Sean) Bacola has been with Summit DD since 2000, and served as an Intake IA 1 since 2020. Sean has also worked in the disabilities field in other roles including residential, respite, Special Olympics coach, and DSP to name a few. Read More ›

Health and safety alert header with hands making heart shape around the word ALERT

Alert: Winter Weather #52-1-24

As a professional supporting people with developmental disabilities, the winter months may pose some additional risks due to inclement weather and conditions. By following some general winter safety precautions, we can help people manage seasonal challenges, such as travel and dangerous temperatures Read More ›

Business man hand pick document report paper

The Importance of UI Provider Investigations

Did you know that UIs should be taken just as seriously as MUIs by providers and teams? Why, you might ask? A good UI process can prevent future MUIs from ever occurring. Below are some tips you can implement into your UI investigations that can help prevent MUIs altogether. Read More ›

Thief in house stealing tablet and smartphone

New Training Opportunity: Misappropriation Prevention Training

Unfortunately, Misappropriation and Exploitation MUIs have been on the rise this year for those we serve. Summit DD’s MUI team has investigated approximately 116 Misappropriation incidents and 22 Exploitation incidents in the first 10 months of 2023. This compares to 117 Misappropriation and 10 Exploitation investigations throughout all of 2022. To help curb this trend, Summit DD’s MUI team is offering a new FREE training. Read More ›

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