image of a hand stealing a credit card out of a purse

Reimbursement of Misappropriated Funds & Property

The Personal Funds of the Individual Rule (OAC 5123-2-07(I)(d)) states that a provider is required to reimburse the personal funds of an individual served when they or one of their staff is the subject of a substantiated MUI. This would be identified by a provider’s staff being named as a PPI and/or by an identified provider systems issue that contributed to a substantiated Misappropriation MUI.

This Rule requires that the reimbursement plan be included in the prevention plan for the MUI and that the provider complete the reimbursement of the misappropriated funds prior to closing the MUI with DODD. Please note that DODD will not close the MUI until the reimbursement has been completed by the provider of incident and then verified by a Summit DD Investigative Agent.

If property (as opposed to funds) was misappropriated, the provider will be required to either replace the property with the exact item or of something with equal value, or reimburse funds equivalent to the cost of the property.

For more information about Misappropriation and how to prevent it, please see our Misappropriation article.

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