Each year, agency and independent providers are required to conduct an in-depth review and analysis of any MUIs that occurred during the previous calendar year (See section 5123-17-02(L) of the MUI Rule). The goal of this analysis is to identify agency-wide and individual-specific MUI trends & patterns, and then develop action plans to address and mitigate concerning trends.
As a Provider, you are are required to complete your review between 1/1 and 1/31 of each calendar year and submit the review to Summit DD by no later than 2/28 for review. (For instance, you would complete your 2023 Annual Analysis between 1/1/24 and 1/31/24. Your completed review must then be submitted by 2/28/24.)
Per rule, the review must contain the following information:
- Date the review was conducted,
- Name of the person conducting the review,
- Time period of the review,
- Comparison of the previous three years’ worth of data,
- Explanation of the data for the review year,
- Breakdown of the number of MUIs per category in the review periods,
- Trends by Individual served & program location,
- Description of previous trends for the provider/person, and
- Description of action plans to address identified trends
To help, we’ve created a Review Template. We recommend using this template to ensure that all critical information is included. Download Review Template and instructions.
REMINDERS: Here are some best practice reminders as you complete your analysis:
- MUI categories: The analysis is for the total number of MUI categories investigated in a given year. This is not the total number of MUI investigations opened, as one MUI investigation can have multiple MUI categories.
- Zero is a number: If you did not have any MUIs in the review period, you can mark everything for that period as zero and note that you had no MUIs. An analysis should be submitted even if you had no MUIs in any of the review periods.
- Which MUIs to count: Remember, you are only counting MUIs where you were the provider when the incident occurred. You do not need to count MUIs that occurred outside of your service environment.
- Services outside Summit County: If you did not provide services in Summit County for some or all of the previous three years of comparison data, please note that in your comparison summary. An analysis is still required to be completed and submitted even if you provided services outside of Summit County.
- Previous Calendar Year: Remember that the time period of the review will always be the previous year, not the year the review is being completed. For example, the review to be conducted by 1/31/2023 will be for the time period of 2022. The previous years of comparison data should then be for 2020 and 2021
- Agency Providers: If you are an agency provider, remember to include the name of your agency on the analysis form.
- Sign and Date: Remember that whoever completes this analysis needs to sign the form and date it for when the review was completed
- Using the Recommended Template: If using Summit DD’s recommended template to fill out your analysis, please remember to first save the template to your computer. Once the form is saved to your completer, please complete the form and resave the document. Failing to initially save the document to your computer will cause the form sent back to Summit DD to be blank.
- Request to Remove you as a Provider: If you do not want to be considered an active provider in Summit County, please let us know so we can remove you from our systems
- Confirmation and Corrections: After submitting your analysis, please watch your email for either a confirmation email that your analysis was accepted or one indicating corrections are required.
- Questions: If you have any questions about the Annual MUI Analysis process, please contact us via email at UILogs@SummitDD.org.