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Summer Safety 2023

Good preparation is key to summer safety for people with developmental disabilities. Get tips to help those you serve avoid health risks such as dehydration, sunburn, water-related accidents and more.

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Important 2022 Annual Analysis Updates and Changes

In August 2022, The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) transitioned Major Unusual Incident (MUI) data to a new application called the Ohio Incident Tracking and Monitoring System (OITMS). Unfortunately, the transition remains ongoing. The 2022 data and reports used by providers and county boards for MUI Annual Reviews has been delayed in OITMS. At the beginning of the year DODD and Summit DD notified the provider community that the 2022 Annual Analysis would need conducted in March 2023, but due to further delays to OITMS becoming fully operational, these dates have changed again. Read More ›

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Prevention Plan Verification

How to verify Prevention Plan Implementation

For any MUI (regardless of findings), Summit DD is required by Rule to verify the implementation of all prevention plans before the case can be closed with DODD. To do this, the assigned Investigative Agent (IA) to the MUI must obtain this proof from the providers involved in the prevention plan implementation. This verification requires indisputable evidence that the prevention plan information has been provided to relevant Direct Support Personnel (DSPs) and that the DSPs indicated understanding of how to implement the plan. Read More ›

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Reimbursement of Misappropriated Funds & Property

The Personal Funds of the Individual Rule (OAC 5123-2-07(I)(d)) states that a provider is required to reimburse the personal funds of an individual served when they or one of their staff is the subject of a substantiated MUI. This would be identified by a provider’s staff being named as a PPI and/or by an identified provider systems issue that contributed to a substantiated Misappropriation MUI. Read More ›

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