Category Archives: News

Photo of Senior Manager MUI Wayne Hershey.

Thank you from the Summit DD MUI Team

As another year comes to a close, I wanted to take a moment to thank our entire provider community for their continued commitment and support of those we both serve.

We could not ensure the health and welfare of those with developmental disabilities in Summit County without your hard work and dedication. I look forward to strengthening our partnership and support for one another in the coming year.

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any ideas you may have to improve our relationship or suggestions for new ways to partner in the future. On behalf of the whole Summit DD MUI team, I wish you and yours a very happy holiday season!

-Wayne Hershey, Senior Manager of MUI
Hands out in a defensive gesture

Unapproved Behavioral Supports on the Rise

Identified Trend: Unapproved Behavioral Supports 

After several consecutive years of decreasing uses of Unapproved Behavioral Supports (UBS), we have unfortunately seen an uptick in UBS MUIs this year. Read More ›

Phishing scam image of fishing hook through a credit card on a computer keyboard

Identified Trend: Misappropriation

Misappropriation (theft) continues to be a concern in Summit County for those we serve. Occurrences of alleged Misappropriations has continued to rise over the past three years from 71 instances in 2020 to 94 to date (as of Mid-October 2022). Read More ›

Smiling staff with phone headset on

Staff Spotlight: Intake Investigative Agent II, Kim Bell

Intake Investigative Agent II, Kim Bell has been with Summit DD for nearly 20 years. While Bell initially got an accounting degree from Stark State College and spent several years working in the field, she says that she knew she wanted to do something where she could help people and make a difference. In 2003, she began working with Summit DD. She has worked in various roles throughout her time with the Agency and joined the MUI department in 2016 after obtaining her IA certification. Read More ›

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