Image of flashing police car lights

A Guide to Law Enforcement Notification for Providers

Reporting MUIs in a timely manner is key to ensuring long-term health and safety. However, there are some situations that call for law enforcement intervention to ensure immediate safety. Providers are required to immediately report any MUI allegation that may have a criminal component to Law Enforcement. (OAC 5123-17-02(E)(1)) This notification needs to be within the first 4 hours a provider is aware of a suspected allegation.

This is critical to the welfare of those we support. Do you and your staff know who to call if you encounter a suspected MUI with a criminal component? Read More ›

Troubling Trends: How to Mitigate the Rise in Physical and Verbal Abuse Cases

As we begin the second quarter of 2022, allegations of Physical and Verbal Abuse are unfortunately trending very high. Below is some data about this troubling trend and some tips to help prevent future allegations. With your help, we hope to bring this trend down. Read More ›

Hand on folders in filing cabinet

A Refresher Guide to UI Logs

What type of incidents go into UI Logs?

Each month, providers are required to complete and retain UI Logs of all Unusual incidents as defined in OAC 5123-17-02(M). These logs contain incidents such as: Read More ›

Alert: Fall Prevention

Home hazards, weather conditions, chronic health conditions and a number of other factors can play a role in the risk of a serious fall. Find out all the risk factors as well as ways you can limit the risk or prevent falls in this month’s DODD Health and Wellness Alert. Read More ›

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