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Timely Cooperation During MUI Investigations

Timely Cooperation from Providers During MUI Investigations

Providers and Summit DD MUI Staff are partners in the MUI process. Timely cooperation and communication are important to the MUI investigative process and ensuring health and welfare. Delays in providing IAs with requested documentation, staff contact info, or other important details can slow the process and keep us from supporting the person served through the MUI process. Below are helpful reminders to ensure a smooth and timely MUI process. Read More ›

Winter Safety

As a professional, you play an important role in winter safety. People with developmental disabilities are at high risk for injury due to falls and exposure to inclement weather. Those providing care can reduce these risks and seek immediate medical care when needed. You can help people be prepared for colder weather, make safe decisions about what to wear, when to stay in, how to prevent falling, and safeguard against house fires. There are a lot of things to consider, and we appreciate all your efforts to make sure people are safe and happy this winter season. Read More ›

Arm Yourself Against COVID #70-11-21

Learn how to arm yourself against COVID-19. The alert includes information about additional shots of the COVID-19 vaccine and vaccines available for children. Read More ›

Exploitation Prevention

As a professional supporting people with developmental disabilities, you can help prevent exploitation. It is important to know the different forms of exploitation to support people to be as safe and independent, as possible. Read More ›

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